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cambridge, mn, United States
This is one of my blog's I have a movie blog where I talk about movies I like and dislike. I also Have a blog about the relashionship between Americans and Filipino's and why they go the distance for love.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger The new trailer.... How Cool!!!!

Captain America: The First Avenger looks to be better then I ever thought it could be. The brand new full length movie trailer Say's it all. I really need not write anything about the film to show how great it looks to be. It stands on its own and apart from other films. I like the old world war 2 set up and how old fashion it does look. I really like that time in history though. I know the world had some hard times back then with the Nazi's trying to destroy the world and make it in their own image but the way most people were back then was more interesting to me. Any way getting back to the point, I really want to see this movie and I hope it will be all that I hope it can be.

 I don't know much about Captain America but I know enough to like the story and how he is a real true American hero. I like good positive hero's of the old day's back when doing the right thing was taught to all kid's with all kinds of comic book hero's doing good thing's to make the world a better place. I do not see that any more and that is sad because the kid's these day's need good role model's to look up to and teach them good not bad thing's. My role modal is Jesus Christ first of all and then after him is Superman and Optimus Prime. Those are the hero's of my personal life from when I was a child and even now I still value some of the thing's I've learned from them back when I was a kid. Jesus by the way is still my role modal and will always be. Well enough of all that for now hope you enjoy the movie trailer and my new post see you next time.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

At the mountains of madness not gonna happen.... Sad to hear.

In my last post I told you how Guillermo del Toro was going to be the director of the H.P. Lovecraft story "At the mountains of madness". Well since then there have been a lot of changes. Now the movie is not going to happen due to the fact that the movie was going to be rated R and cost $150 million to make. I believe that is about right for the films cost and rating unfortunately the movie company did not feel that way so it is a no go after all. I hate how the movie company's can not understand what the story's need to be turned into full length films. I'm sure none of the people who were handing off the money to make the film have never even read H.P. Lovecraft's story's to understand that they are so creepy and imaginative by far. So now that At the mountains of madness is no more. That will most likely mean none of H.P. Lovecraft's story's will be turned into a film. I was hoping for The call of Cthuhlu to be a movie or Dagon or The shadow over innsmouth. All great story's of Lovecraft's with a core that is shared between them all. Those are some of the best story's ever made in the horror/ Sci-fi world. Well that's my personal opinion anyway. So that sucks to have to let go of the wish to see H.P. Lovecraft's work come to life in film. Well maybe someday some one will see the true value in those story's and make them into the movies they need to be... Well that's it for now see you next time.