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cambridge, mn, United States
This is one of my blog's I have a movie blog where I talk about movies I like and dislike. I also Have a blog about the relashionship between Americans and Filipino's and why they go the distance for love.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the apes movie review...

Rise of the planet of the apes... The name says it all. This is the very beginning of the planet of the apes movies. this shows u first hand how the apes went from common apes to smart human like beings that rise up against the human slave masters. Once this film starts going you get lost in how believable it is. there really is feeling in the characters and most of all in the CGI apes. u just believe that they are real and you feel for them most of all.

I love the original planet of the apes movies and the ideas used in them. I never thought that they could really bring new life into them but in this film they did more then any of them as far as i am concerned. I think that all the actors in this movie are perfect. I really enjoyed every moment of this film. it told story first and foremost then it led you to feel it and then it turned you into action scenes to wrap it up.

I liked how i never got tired of watching this film at all even though it had slow moments. All the acting was very believable though. I could see the views of the apes and why they felt like slaves to the humans and why they wanted to be free most of all.

I even liked all the little tid bits of planet of the apes movie lor thrown into the movie. There is a lot to see and hear in this film if you know the originals movies as well as being a new comer to the apes films. This movie is easy to understand and well put together all the way up to the end. I was left wanting more, more , more... I hope there will be more of these to come sense it made 53 million the first week. that is not a bad box office take in for the first week. i know it will continue to make more as weeks pass and hopefully it will make enough that they will remake the original films so they look better. I still love the classic films though. i will always love those movies as a huge planet of the apes fan...

At the end of this movie wait for the extra scene as well. outside of that i say the action was great, Story was great too, CGI was amazing and believable, action was amazing too at the end. over all i give it a 10 out of 10.. this was one of my favorite films of the summer. I will buy it on DVD when it comes out for sure and i hope you see this movie too.

Leo's Review NO# 7 2011

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