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cambridge, mn, United States
This is one of my blog's I have a movie blog where I talk about movies I like and dislike. I also Have a blog about the relashionship between Americans and Filipino's and why they go the distance for love.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger Movie review.. (No Spoilers)

Captain America the First Avenger... That is what they call it and wow! what a real American hero.

 This is just what i used to like in superheros back in the day as a kid. They used to be good and right and fight for justice and do it all without trying to seek revenge like most hero's today do. This is simple but so amazing of a story. I seen it 2 times in 2D just because it was my favorite kind of film. I like the supernatural and Nazi mix in old style story's. I like superheros born out of hope and good will. I got all that in one really good film. I clearly loved it.

I really am no fan of the Captain America comic books or anything of him from the past but seeing how they did his story in this movie i am like a huge fan now. I think they picked all the right actors for the film and the action was so amazing. I did not get board at all during the film. I like how they spent time on the story growth and made you feel like you were in the 40's for real. I love period films like this where you feel like the times are being shown to you as a real set up for an imagined hero to come in and win the fight and bring truth and justice to a dark world almost lost. That is what i always loved about superman and now Captain America.

I could have seen the film in 3D but why. It feels right as a 2D film. No need for 3D on this movie. So i do not see it in 3D due to the fact that not every movie needs to be in 3D. So anyway the movie was just as good as Thor and X-men first class from my point of view. That is saying a lot sense those films rated high in my book.

One thing i need to say about the movie though. When you see it. Stay tell the credits end...
I hate how no one seems to get that about marvel movies. Everyone always gets up and leaves when the credits role and then they miss the extra scene at the very end. The scene at the end of this movie is worth all the money you pay for the ticket to see the movie. Trust me you will enjoy it. The Movie is well done and very enjoyable and the scene at the end of the credits is just as enjoyable. You gotta see this movie if your a fan of Marvel comics or even if you just like a great summer movie. Just go see it.

The acting was great. The action was great. The story was amazing. The CGI was amazing. The end credit scene was amazing as well. I give this movie a 10 out of 10... A must see film.
Yes this movie freakin kicks ass in a good guy superhero kind of way.

Leo's Review NO# 6 2011

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