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cambridge, mn, United States
This is one of my blog's I have a movie blog where I talk about movies I like and dislike. I also Have a blog about the relashionship between Americans and Filipino's and why they go the distance for love.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

TransFormers Dark Of The Moon Movie Review by L. Rutledge

In 3D My review as a TransFormers fan of classic and new..

OK as anyone who views my blog often would know. I'm a huge transformers fan. I have a collection of the action figures and I grew up watching the Generation 1 original cartoons. I have known and loved the franchise since i was a child so i think that makes me a geek hahaha!

Well that being said, I have seen all the Michael bay transformers movies and loved somethings about them and hated somethings about them. Over all though i do not hate them. I am not one of those kind of freaky fans that hate thongs just because of a movie did not do what that individual fan wanted. That is so stupid of any fan to think the movies will be made just for their ideals. So anyway i went to see the 3rd film in 3D and found my self feeling like a little kid once again. I was waiting for this movie. This is the one summer film i was dying to see. I was not let down by the film that is for sure.
Well here is the details of what i enjoyed and disliked from a fans stand point. 1st of all this movie is a very dark one in things that happen. People die and robots bleed and die too. It is so over the top in action that no one can touch it. There are funny spots through out the film but mostly the movie keeps a dark and serious tone. The plot is interesting as well. As far as transformers characters i wanted to see in this movie went i was happy more then ever. I was waiting though all the movies to finally see my favorite decepticon show up.."SOUNDWAVE" well in this one he did and even in robot form. I wish he was blue and silver like he used to be but he was in it. He even had laserbeak his attack bird. His voice was not so much like it used to be but i was so happy when he had his own spots in the film. I also liked to see "SHOCKWAVE" he pop'ed up here and there and did some damage big time. This is one surprise death in this movie that really shocked me. I never seen it coming nor will you as the viewer.

Optimus Prime in this movie is like the Super, Super hero of all time. I love how his trailer plays a part in his upgrade of weapons in the movie. There are new characters in the robot area but not so great on the autobot side. I also wish starscream and megatron would disagree and fight some in the movie. I wanted to see megatron more too but it as not a huge let down since i got to see the  best story yet. I loved the feel of how the story felt like one of the generation 1 cartoon story's but way more kick ass...By the way this movie made $97.4million in its 1st week in just the USA and $500 million world wide making it the fastest movie ever to reach that kind of take in for a film in a week.

The bottom line is this movie is a must see as a fan and as a none fan. This movie is so over the top in so many ways and they all are good ways. It had Extreme action, Great story, There are even some surprises, The acting was great and the 3D was also. I of course give it a 10 out of 10!!!! my favorite of all the Transformers movies easy and yes it KICKS ASS!!!! BIG TIME WITH BIG GUNS!!!!

Leo's Review NO# 5 2011

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