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cambridge, mn, United States
This is one of my blog's I have a movie blog where I talk about movies I like and dislike. I also Have a blog about the relashionship between Americans and Filipino's and why they go the distance for love.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the apes...Yes!!!!! Finally a new Ape film....

Long ago when I was a kid. I saw a movie that made me want to write story's and make movies so very badly. That movie was THE PLANET OF THE APES... I know a lot of people would say Star Wars or Star trek but I was amazed by the way that movie had a real lesson deep with in its core. I also thought the planet of the apes had one of the most amazing endings ever. Back when it came out it was a huge hit. It really was a great Sci-Fi film but it was really a movie dealing with racism and all the dark sides of it. I just was blown away as a kid to see all the different views of the apes and the humans of the movie. So i of course call the PLANET OF THE APES a real classic of all time.

Now August 5th 2011 will bring the beginning of the planet of the apes to the big screen with the film RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES. Originally they wanted to call it RISE OF THE APES but of course all the younger people who don't know anything about old things that were cool would have not known what that meant so they had to make the name really long. I hope the film will just be the beginning of a new set of films for the franchise. I loved the teaser trailer that for the movie and hope it will show the apes talking too. I think the CGI element of the APES is cool so it is more real then ever before. It seems like the acting is great as well. So this could be the making of a new set of remakes that look better then the originals. Of course this is really not a remake because in the classic Apes films they never showed how the apes got control of the earth. I would say to anyone who wants to see this movie though. Rent or buy the original PLANET OF THE APES films before you see this one so you know what there all about.

I say that because i hate it when people go see like the 2nd film in a collection of films and ask why Frodo has to get rid of the ring? Or Where did superman come from?

I have heard people say those things when I was leaving movies and I just have to look back to see who is dumb enough to say them and then i always seem to see some young air head girl who don't know much. Always know what your paying to see before you go see it.. Please.... It makes you sound smarter and it also makes you not sound like a dumb ass at the movies.
OK well I think that's enough of my opinions for now. Go see the new RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES movie coming 8-5-11 I have a feeling it will be great.

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