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cambridge, mn, United States
This is one of my blog's I have a movie blog where I talk about movies I like and dislike. I also Have a blog about the relashionship between Americans and Filipino's and why they go the distance for love.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

My "THOR" review

"Thor"  The mighty Thor.... So I went to see this movie the day after it was released and WOW!

I am not a huge comic book fan of Thor but I loved this movie more then any Marvel movie before it. This is the best marvel film by far so far. I seen it in 3D and loved it.

This movie has a great blend of earth and other worldly places shown in it. That makes it feel like the movie makers did not go cheap on it. I really enjoy that. I love how they showed the character evolution through out the story. I also loved when Thor just plain kicked ass too.

Now I have seen all the other marvel movies and how they are fitting them together to make the avengers movie so I waited tell the credits were done at the end of this movie to see  the new puzzle piece the movie makers have put in to bring them all together. It was very cool.

I give this movie a "10 out of 10" Great story, great acting, great action, great fx the story never gets boring though out the whole movie. I love everything about this movie. I would say go see it if you can 3D or not it is a kick ass film. 

Leo's Review 1 2011

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