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cambridge, mn, United States
This is one of my blog's I have a movie blog where I talk about movies I like and dislike. I also Have a blog about the relashionship between Americans and Filipino's and why they go the distance for love.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

GREEN LANTERN the big review

GREEN LANTERN the big review is here...
OK finally I got to see Green Lantern and in 3D even. So here is my thoughts on it.

OK as far as DC comics go it seems like Batman always gets the spotlight as far as why I just don't know because DC comics has so many classic hero's. I think Superman should be the shining hero in them all due to the 70 year history of that Superhero. Well finally we get Green lantern to join the movie hero's.

I liked it but some things about the movie could have been so much better. I love the fact that they spend sometime on the green lanterns world instead of all earth. I am not a fan of how the Green lantern suit is all CGI. It seems kind of strange to me. Ryan Reynolds as Green lantern is good but not great but I'm not upset that he is green lantern. The story seems a little rushed but it don't get boring. The green lantern training on the planet Oa was very short and left me wishing it was longer. I liked seeing the other green lanterns all together though. that was cool. The movie was just not a Kick ass one. It was just a little above basic and i hate to say that because I'm a huge DC comic fan and I live to see a Justice League movie so this film is kind of important in that regard. Well as far as the 3D gos. Id say just see it in 2D the 3D was not that good from my experience. I have seen much better 3D movies.

The bottom line is Its got good action not great. CGI not the greatest. Acting was good not great. Story was pretty good. 3D not good. Also if you see it stay through the credits for a extra seen that is kind of not explained well enough but you want to see it.
I give this movie a 8 out of 10. I do like it and will most likely buy it on DVD but only because I'm a huge DC fan. I cant wait tell next week when I get to review TRANSFORMERS Dark Of The Moon in 3D

Leo's Review 4 2011 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Super 8 movie review by L. Rutledge

"Super 8"  Well lets see?

I liked it and it was a good film. It is a good old kind of movie like "Goonies" or E.T. it feels like those film did when you first seen them back when they were new. I like how they made everything feel like 1979 totally. I think the acting of the kids in this film is great and funny too sometimes. The characters in this film you really care about and you always like them and want to see more. I remember the days when i was young like the kids in this film and how it was such a great time back then.

This movie is clearly meant to be like a Steven Spielberg movie. I like that about it. I don't know how well it will do against other films like X-Men first class or Green Lantern though. I'm sure it will be a big film but not like the others.

It is about an alien and the government and some kids being stuck in the middle of it all. In all the trailers you never see the alien and it kind of bothered me because these days there is no reason why we can not show CGI monsters and things with all the massive amounts of films using CGI and showing the viewers what they are dealing with often. I did how ever see the alien in the film eventually. I thought it was interesting what they did with it.

Over all i must say if you want to see a movie with story and heart with a Goonies/E.T. kind of feel this is perfect for you. I say the acting is great, story is great, the idea has been done before so that is OK. The CGI is real looking so that is great too. Over all I give it a 8 out of 10
its a good movie but not a must see as far as I'm concerned.

Leo's Review 3 2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011

X MEN first class Movie review...

"X MEN first class"  The early days of the X-Men has some new and great ideas as far as story go's. I really enjoyed this movie. I think out of all the X-Men movies this one is the very best one. Its like the Star Wars episode 3 of the X-Men movies. It is a must see. The acting is nothing but greatness and the back story is so full of interesting out comes. There are a lot of cool action moments in this film and a great deal of deep emotional drama in how the main characters deal with the powers they have and how they got to where they are. I never got bored watching this film at any time. It also has a really surprising funny part in the middle of the film that i will not give away because you will like to see it first hand to know what I'm talking about.

I am not a huge comic book fan of marvel story's and hero's but i loved this film more then any other X-Men movies. I will buy it on DVD and i would say go see it.
It is worth it big time. I think this X-Men movie should have been called X MEN "A" class or X MEN Gold class. It is Classic. A must see, as good as 'THOR" was I give it a "10 out or 10"
Great story. Great action. Great drama. Great over all feel! And yes its a Kick Ass film in my book...

Leo's Review 2 2011