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cambridge, mn, United States
This is one of my blog's I have a movie blog where I talk about movies I like and dislike. I also Have a blog about the relashionship between Americans and Filipino's and why they go the distance for love.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Hobbit... In 2012 it will be a movie at least part 1

The Hobbit movie has been a project of director Peter Jackson's for sometime now.
its been back and forth up and down for the film with everything from who would direct it to actors strikes. The film has been through hell and back. Peter Jackson is now directing it. instead of just producing the movie. That is so good for all the fans of the Lord of the rings films.There is no doubt in my mind that he is the perfect one for the job. I read the Hobbit book and loved it. I even sent it to my girlfriend. I truly loved the story and class the Hobbit book as one of the greatest story's I've read ever. So when I found out it is finally being turned into a feature film. I was so happy. I seen all the Lord of the rings films and own them on DVDs even. I think that the Hobbit is better though. I loved how the story had more of a adventure feel. The Lord of the rings story's has that too but its more about war and the movement to get rid of the evil ring. In the hobbit it feels more like a lighter young adults kind of story. It really takes me back to a childhood imagination time. Back when the world was new and full of mystery. I like story's that make me feel that way so that being said that is why I like the Hobbit so much.

On the set of the Hobbit in New Zealand

The story will be narrated by Frodo and Bilbo.
It will be long like the Lord of the rings so to tell the story best they will turn the story into two parts. The Hobbit Part .1 and The Hobbit Part .2. This will make it easy on the viewers and also it will make it so the whole story is told with all the detail that it deserves. I know 2012 will be another big year for movies with Superman and Batman movies coming as well but the Hobbit will more then likely be huge when it hits the big screen. I know I will be there to see Bilbo Baggins when he first gets the ring from Gollum in that cave in middle-earth.It will also be nice to see how Bilbo meets Gandalf the gray for the first time. I can't wait to see it the way I imagined it when I read the story so long ago.
Well I hope the movie will move along without any more troubles. I will be watching close on the work on this movie as time moves on....

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