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cambridge, mn, United States
This is one of my blog's I have a movie blog where I talk about movies I like and dislike. I also Have a blog about the relashionship between Americans and Filipino's and why they go the distance for love.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I watched the new TRANSFORMERS Dark of the moon trailer not to long ago. Well I should say I watched it over and over like 12 times in a row just to see what was happening in it. It has so much action that everything is moving fast. I did how ever love every part of it. It looks so much bigger and badder then ever before. I felt overwhelmed with all the action and war that takes place between the autobots and decepticons factions in the trailer. It really feels like a huge movie. I is most likely the final film of Transformers so no doubt they are going out with a bag. In the trailer I seen some great characters from the old cartoon brought to life on the big screen such as Bumblebee and a new flying Optimus Prime and as I seen a deceptican bird swoop down to attack a white car. I believe the bird to be Laserbeak. If Laserbeat is in the film then I know for sure Soundwave is then. Laserbeak in a smaller decepticon  comes from Soundwave. I seen Prime fighting lots of attacking decepticans but still did not see Shockwave the evil decepticon that is 2nd only to megatron. I also see lots and lots of decepticon drop ships floating above the city and wagging war on the buildings. I think the movie trailer left me with more questions then answers but that's OK. I will see this movie no matter what anyway.
Over all the way the trailer grabbed my attention and kept it was just freaking awesome. I really enjoy films that make you feel like your right there in the heat of the moment and Transformers movies always do that so well. I just hate that I have to wait tell 7-1-11 to see
 the new movie.                                                                        

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