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cambridge, mn, United States
This is one of my blog's I have a movie blog where I talk about movies I like and dislike. I also Have a blog about the relashionship between Americans and Filipino's and why they go the distance for love.

Monday, February 28, 2011

H.P. Lovecraft comes to the big screen.

I am not much of a scary movie or horror film fan for the most part but there are a few movies that stand apart to me. I enjoy mystery mixed with adventure and fantasy with sci-fi blended together well in story's. I love it when a story leads you through a world of mystery where you never know where the story will twist or turn to surprise me as the reader or viewer. This being said I am so happy to finally see that my favorite horror mystery and sci-fi story write H.P. Lovecraft's At The Mountains Of Madness is being turned to a feature film. I will without a doubt be amazing to see. It will scare the hell out of the viewers with a old fashion kind of monster mystery feel.

Now for all those who do not know anything about H.P. Lovecraft. OK so he was an amazing classic horror writer with imagination of epic proportion's. He envisioned a world where creatures from before humans ever walked the earth had come and lived and then had been called God's by man latter. They lived in a dark time on the planet and had power greater than we could ever imagine. They had such evil in their being that fear of them would make you mad. They were called the old ones and they came from the sky. Well the story's take place in the 1920's and they are filled with mystery and wonder. The story's keep your mind wanting to know what will happen next at all times. I personally love the story called The call of Cthulhu by H.P. Lovecraft but every story by him seems to take you deep into a dark time when monsters and evil seemed to be everywhere in the dark and men searched for strange realms and places where no man had ever been before. It was always about the adventure and the interesting things that happen along the way.

Director Guillermo Del Toro & Producer James Cameron
I will enjoy seeing just how the new film At The Mountains Of Madness will be on the big screen. I know it will be good knowing who it will be made by after all. The film will be directed by Guillermo del toro the famed director of both Hellboy films and the Producer of it will be none other then the man who made Alien and Avatar James Cameron.
 This will be done right knowing that
they both will be making the movie.

At the Mountains of Madness will most likely look like the king Kong movie that Peter Jackson made. It will have a city that dates back to before man ever walked the earth and strange monster like creatures that will kill almost all the members of the group of explorers that end up there. It film will have an alternite version of how the human race became but just remeber its just a story. I think it will be kind of like the older movie called the Thing that by the way is also being re-made into a new film.
It will be so creepy to see for sure. I want to see how much the story stays the same and how the movie version will be changed as well. It will take an amazing imagination to create most of the alien landscapes that are shown in the movie but without a doubt it will make me feel that old fashion horror feeling that horror movies used to have back when it was all about the mystery and fear not the gore and torcher like horror movies these days seem to be stuck on so much. I really hate that when they just shock you by cutting off someones head right on camera and showing all the gore like that is the whole point of a scary movie or something. I like it when they scare you with your own imagination like the shining did or like some of the older films from 30 years back. I know all the younger kids these days don't know anything about that but they really should because those movies back then were the classics that made it possible to make the films that are here today. Well anyway H.P. Lovecraft is one of the greatest writes I've ever known of in the dark and scary old style. He created such great story's that they lasted the test of time and are still called the real classics today. I will always enjoy his version of what scary is because he scares you with your own imagination and that is what really stands out about his book's so please anyone reading this check out some of his work. He really was ahead of his time. Well thanks again for reading my take on movies I like. I hope you will enjoy the story's by H.P. Lovecraft as much as I do.

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