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cambridge, mn, United States
This is one of my blog's I have a movie blog where I talk about movies I like and dislike. I also Have a blog about the relashionship between Americans and Filipino's and why they go the distance for love.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

X MEN first class stands apart from the rest.

OK so its been a little wile since my last post. OK so here I go again. I seen the X MEN first class trailer and became a fan again. I was kind of sick of the X MEN films for a wile there. They were getting to far away from the heart and soul of it all. I always thought the suits they wear in the films were to far away from the real hero suits from the comic books but now the new X MEN first class film shows then wearing the suits and looking believable too. I like how there taking the film versions serious again and showing new and interesting things that have not been shown in the films yet. I really want the movie to be better then the other X MEN film. I would like it if it was more like watchmen and more adult like with its real life world with hero's in the middle of it all.

I will put this film on my list of must see films because it is taking risks that a lot of films don't these days. The film takes place back when JFK was in office with the cold war at Americas door. It will be interesting to see how the first class of X MEN will handle that time in history. I love that idea for the beginning of the X MEN story's.
I am sold by the trailer and how good the film looks to be. I will be there to see it when it hits the big screen on JUNE 3, 2011... Well I hope you enjoy my posts on here. Please take the time to commit if you have any thoughts about the posts of mine. I would really like that. OK see you next movie...

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