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cambridge, mn, United States
This is one of my blog's I have a movie blog where I talk about movies I like and dislike. I also Have a blog about the relashionship between Americans and Filipino's and why they go the distance for love.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

My own selfish ideas of maybe getting noticed for movie ideas.

OK so I am a fan of movies and lots of storey's. I grew up being creative as an artist and somewhat of a writer. I do not have the patience it takes to write a novel about the things I imagine. I have such a huge imagination that a lot of my friends and family tell me to write a book because my ideas come across as epic film quality storey's. I will not give away to much about them because some people like to steel the ideas and make money on them on their own. I hate those people because they ruin it for all the good honest people who like to talk about their ideas with each other.

I fell in love with movies back when I was a child when I used to watch great classic movies like PLANET OF THE APES or THE OMEGA MAN both films star the late great Charlton Heston. I also became a real fan of THX 1138 a great film with a different kind of view of the future. I could go no and on but I think the real one that changed my whole world of thoughts for movies was DARK CRYSTAL a movie made up of only pupit's that are not of this world. The design and detail that went into making that film was so amazing I just loved the style and idea of creatures of a whole other world could be the center for a story with out all the Hollywood crap that gets put into films. It was and is to me still the most creative film ever in history. Jim Henson was a mastermind for making this film a reality. It teaches you to open your whole mind up and make a world totally different from the normal film style.

I was inspired much later in life to create my own little storey's and the first one was much like that film. I created designs and a world with a story like a mix of the Hobbit and Dark Crystal. Here is the cover painting of that story of my own design...

It was a story written and designed completely by me and has all original characters with a animated cartoon look. It was created like 10 years ago before movies like avatar and all the highly creative movies that look as the artist in visioned on film. I think of it as kind of a movie like the hobbit or avatar in its story and look. I always in visioned it to be a movie but I can not say that because I never really wrote the whole story. I have it all in my mind though. I know that story inside and out all the look and feel of every moment in it. It is a adventure story with epic battles and real world lessons taught through the characters journey's through the world as the story moves forward. It also has some twists and turns along the way. I wish I could see my story become a film so bad someday. I know its a dream but I did a lot of work in making it up from scratch and I think there are a lot of people who would enjoy that story too. It speaks to the human heart through out the whole story. I called it THE TALES OF EVERWOOD: Nolin's Quest. I made it thinking that maybe there could be more storey's told later about the characters and places in the story. It would make a good 3 part story like Lord of the rings did.

I have other storey's also but I do not want to give to much away. The other big one I designed was a future sci-fi story with a robot and a teen age boy at the heart of the story. It would be about a ruined future world and an evil empire and how the robot and the boy save the world but that really is not much about the story. It really is so deep and dark but has so much action and lots of surprises. It is a story like STAR WARS but more of a lesson about the human race and how we loose our self's in our technology and faithlessness. I will not put up any art for that story because I don't want to give away any part of it because it is so much a part of me.

I talk about this for simple fun but I really enjoy what I have created in my life as storey's or art whatever it is I just love creating new worlds and new ideas. I am such a creative person all the time that my mind never shuts off. I enjoy the feeling of seeing new creations come to life. There is just so much copying these days with movies and storey's. I just want to see some new ideas on the big screen and hopefully they will have some good ideals in them too. A movie should entertain but also speak to the human heart as well. I truly believe that and I think so should we all. Let the good side win in the storey's. Don't kill off the hero's. In a world full of corruption and negative ideals we need our hero's to show up that Goodness still Win's over evil.... Well thank you for sticking with me through all this. I hope it was interesting over all.

Big blockbuster trailers at Super Bowl 2011

So I am not a football fan in anyway but but this years Super Bowl will be having the best movie trailers showing during the show at some point. I am so freaking hyped up to see the full movie trailer for TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON Feb.6th and after it will be online everywhere I'm sure. Here is the info as shown at www.enewsi.com. I look at that site for most info on movies and anything entertainment. I also check out www.tfw2005.com for all TRANSFORMER news too.

Hope these trailers will be great as they sound. The Captain America: The First Avenger trail will be the 1st time any trailer has been shown for the film so that will for sure be interesting. Over all though I know it will be very entertaining...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Transformers 3 or dark of the moon a fans thoughts & ideas.

So I'm a huge TRANSFORMERS FAN of the 80's cartoons and toys and just about anything that transformers into a giant robot autobot or decepticon they all kick ass. So I need to talk about the Hollywood live action movies and my thoughts on them.

OK the 1st film was to me good but missing a lot of stuff. I liked it but it was not much like the cartoons were because the robots were not the stars as much as the humans were it seemed. The voices of the robots were perfect but they were only heard a short time through the film. I was so pissed when BUMBLEBEE had not voice at all. He needs to speak to be who he is as BUMBLEBEE. I was used to hearing him in the old 80's cartoons. I just wish Hollywood could have got it right with his voice. For the most part the movie was good though.

OK on to the 2nd film REVENGE OF THE FALLEN. I know it had some loop holes in the story and seemed some what rushed but the robots had much more screen time and played a bigger part and it even felt like TRANSFORMERS. The fallen was perfect voice and all. Megatron was better then ever as a bad ass. Starscream was right on with the voice but I still don't like seeing him and that bad looking robot form they gave him. He should have some red on his chest and be thinner so he looks somewhat like his original self from the 80's cartoons and toys. Soundwave was not even in the movies as a robot ever but he needed to be I think. He should also be dark blue and not silver. Why does Michael Bay the directer always change the colors of the transformers so they look so different from the originals. Its like making supermans suit gray in sted of blue. It changes everything about the character. I also did not like what they did with Jetfire. He was never a black jet and also he was never an old robot. He should have been white and red and he should have also been a scientest for the autobots. Well after all that I must say I did like the movie over all. It was all worth it to see Optimus Prime fighting the decepticons in the woods. That was the coolest fight on film ever. I own all these dvd's so I do enjoy them. Just some of the elements of them I dislike.

Now on to the 3rd film DARK OF THE MOON. Its coming out this summer
JULY-1-2011. I see lots of pictures of it online but nothing that really gives it away. I hope Soundwave shows up somewhere in the film in his robot form. I know shockwave will also be in it. I can't wait to see if they got the designs right on both of those decepticons. I have seen a toy version of Megatron and I do not know what to think of the new look of him. In vehicle form he is a tan army looking tanker truck. These images show how different he is form the 2nd films design. The toy picture shows his face has battle damage from the last film still. In robot form he does look somewhat like the original Megatron with the arm cannon on his right arm. I just wish he was still all silver like the original version and like in the 2nd film where he was so bad ass looking. I do think that this will be a better movie since its the last one in the franchise. I can't wait to see how it all comes together and what autobots and decepticons end up making the final cut of the film. I hope Bumblebee will speak finally too.
Check out the images of MEGATRON the evil leader of the decepticons below.

Monday, January 17, 2011

March Movies I want to see for my birthday and after.

March will be a pretty good month for me as long as its not snowing or bad weather like most years on my birthday. Well anyway 2 movies I think I want to see are coming out that month. On my birthday March 18th I will be able to see PAUL a sci-fi comedy with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost back together again. The last movie I seen them together in was HOT FUZZ that movie was great. I can't imagine what kind of stuff happens in the new film directed by Greg Mottola. They end up becoming friends with a funny alien from area 51 and travel around in an RV hiding the alien know as PAUL from the men in black. I seen the trailer for it and it was funny. I'm sure ill have to see it to know if its great like HOT FUZZ was. I bet it will be though. Those two guys just work well together.. 

OK next is a movie I was not sure about at first when I seen the trailer for it and that is SUCKER PUNCH directed by Zack Snyder who also directed WATCHMEN and 300 both movies were great and I really loved the style and look of the films but the new film Sucker Punch is almost to far out there to understand. Its 5 sexy lady's dressed in lots of leather and lace with all kinds of weapons. They fight an imaginary world of all kinds of stuff to reach the final gole of escaping a mob ruled life. Most of the fighting is in there imagination from what I've seen in the art work and trailers for the film. I know that is a wild idea for a film but the trailers makes it so bad ass that I need to see it to know for sure. I am a guy and most guys are not so used to seeing films about kick ass chicks. Most movies made for men have good looking sexy lady's in them but most times they are not the stars kicking ass. I think that will all change after Sucker Punch comes out March 25th 2011. I can't wait to see how Zack Snyder does with this movie because he will be doing SUPERMAN next. Can't wait!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

5 movies of the summer 4 I will see.

This is 5 of the summer blockbuster movies set to come out summer 2011...

1. May 6th (THOR) Directed by Kenneth Branagh

2. May 20th (Pirates of the Caribbean: On stranger tides) Directed by Rob Marshall

3. June 17th (Green Lantern) Directed by Martin Campbell

4. July 1st (TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON) Directed by Michael Bay

5. July 22nd (Captain America: The First Avenger) Directed by Joe Johnston

That is the 5 noted movies of the summer at least to me. There are other ones like harry potters next movie but I'm not a fan of those movies. I'm sure they are good but I never got into them really.

Well I listed 5 movies but there are only 4 I will see for sure. The new Pirates movie just makes me so tired of the franchise. WHY? WHY? a 4th movie? it was good left at 3 movies. I only think there making more then 3 for greedy reasons now. Its all about milking every bit of money out of it tell its dead. Some movies are good left alone. Some are great with 3 but most should never be more then 3 movies. Let the fans have somethings left to there imagination. Its always better to stop well your ahead then to kill something everyone likes. Needless to say I will not see the new Pirates film. I may see it on dvd at some point but I really am not up for another Pirates movie.

I am interested in seeing what they will do with THOR. I think the movie trailer looks bad ass. The guy playing Thor seems like the perfect fit for the role.

I also can't wait to see Green Lantern also as you my already know from previous posts. I love DC Universe and all the hero's and villain's from it. Green Lantern is one I grew up with so I pray they do it right.

TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON the 3rd film by Michael Bay is said to be bigger and badder then all of the movies before it. I of course will see this movie over all of them because I'm such a TRANSFORMERS nerd. You may already know this from previous posts but I don't care I just can't wait to see how they end it. 3 movies is enough. I hope they don't kill prime again. I want to see SHOCKWAVE for sure in it. I also Want to see SOUNDWAVE transform into robot mode in this one this time. Starscream needs to be a back stabber also. I really don't know what to expect for the 3rd installment of TRANSFORMERS but it should be BAD ASS!!!!! I am sooooooo There!!!!

OK now the last one but not least. Captain America: The First Avenger looks like it could be good but I'm not sure because at the moment there is no trailer for it one the net. I have see pictures of it and he looks cool in the Captain America suit. I think it should be interesting to see if they tie that movie to the Thor movie in anyway since the are both Marvel comics hero's like Iron man and the Hulk did. Well only time will tell how it will play out. I will wait and see with the rest of you... Thanks for reading this once again.

The Epic Blog Begins Here...

OK so I'm new at this as of this point. I just want to say please understand if I don't spell everything right and do this perfectly. I am only human but my thoughts are kind of Epic and deep when it comes to movie ideas and what I like to see in them. I have my own movie ideas but i am no movie writer. I also do not have $350.000.000 to make the ideas i have to become freakin Epic and grand like the big movies do. I am good at in visioning a world and designing it from the ground up. I know because I have already done that with 3 of the story's id like to make someday. I most likely will never get them made into books or movies for that matter but I have been told since i was younger that my ideas are original and freakin awesome if they were movies. OK i am talking to much about my self like I'm some great creator of blockbuster movies that make big money or something. In reality I'm just a normal guy with epic dreams. 

I would however love to see Doug Chiang and Orson Scott Card's ROBOTA book turned into a feature film. This is one of my favorite books of all time. I don't read many books but this one i took the time to read. It is very different from what Hollywood movies are like right now. It is like STAR WARS,AVATAR and PLANET OF THE APES all rolled together with some twists and turns. I love this story so much that I had to talk about it on here so maybe someone will agree. 

I am a huge fan of story's that have Sci Fi action and drama in them with all the Ex of the biggest movies ever made. I love seeing movies that show you the world that was dreamed up by the writer or artist uncut and made to be so believable. That makes the story's feeling come out along with the style and the look of it too. I am an artist I know when I see something new and creative I am so happy to see it and often keep that memory forever because original ideas are very rare these days with all the remakes being made into movies. I do like the thought though that most of them are 80's shows and cartoons and even toys that get turned into movies these days. I just hate it when Hollywood changes the story so much that its not really the thing it was to begin with. I look forward to seeing a HE-MAN and the MASTERS of the UNIVERSE movie sometime in the near future. It would be so BAD ASS! if they took it serious and made it into 3 movies. It should look like 300 did. If that really happens then I'm there. I would be so happy to see those movies become a reality. I was a fan of the toys back in the 80's and I liked He-Man and the Masters of the Universe just as much as I loved the Transformers toys and cartoons back then. I wish Hollywood would listen to me on these ideas as well as the real fans of them. They would really make some movie from all the fans if they made these movies and did it the right way. I am of course just one guy dreaming of the films id like to see and wishing like many of you out there. Well that is my thoughts for that anyway. Thanks for reading my thoughts. 

Justice League Movie some day Please!!!!!

I see the Green Lantern Moive is finally coming I hope to God they took it serius and made hal jorden act like the one I grew up with from the original Green Lantern comics. Im not sure the acter that is playing him will be able to act serious with the Green Lantern role. I will have to do just everyone else has to do to find out and that is WAIT to see it. Summer of 2011.

I see green lantern and batman have movies and Superman is gonna be rebooted to renew it even after the last one Superman Returns was not so bad. Well the point here is Will they ever make the JUSTICE LEAGUE MOVIE and get it right????  I guess ill have to see more batman movies and green lantern movies and maybe even Superman movies if they ever make it past the reboot of superman. to find out. I have also heard there is a Flash movie coming too. So what about Wonderwoman. She is a kick ass chick why not a movie. She is after all one of the main Justice League members. The Chick from watchman needs to play her. That chick was perfect in watchman and would make a very good Wonderwoman. Well i guess only time will tell. I can't wait to find out.
Ok so ill begin the first post by talking about TRANSFORMERS DARK OF THE MOON... The up coming 3rd transformers movie and most likely the last one. I have seen some new stuff in the filming pictures around the web and one that kind of made me a bit unhappy. I seen that Megatron will be a tanker truck that looks like its beat down and old and he is tan in color with a trailer making him much like the evil version of optimus prime who also has his trailer in the new movie too. I hate to say it but i bet they will end it with the viewers finding out that megatron is really optimus primes brother like he said at the end of the 1st movie after megatron died. I will be mad if that ends up being the case. I love Transformers but i wish the movies would try to stay more G1 and not make the bots and cons so differant in there looks.

Well that is enough for now. I will end up talking more about this later anyway.