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This is one of my blog's I have a movie blog where I talk about movies I like and dislike. I also Have a blog about the relashionship between Americans and Filipino's and why they go the distance for love.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Transformers 3 or dark of the moon a fans thoughts & ideas.

So I'm a huge TRANSFORMERS FAN of the 80's cartoons and toys and just about anything that transformers into a giant robot autobot or decepticon they all kick ass. So I need to talk about the Hollywood live action movies and my thoughts on them.

OK the 1st film was to me good but missing a lot of stuff. I liked it but it was not much like the cartoons were because the robots were not the stars as much as the humans were it seemed. The voices of the robots were perfect but they were only heard a short time through the film. I was so pissed when BUMBLEBEE had not voice at all. He needs to speak to be who he is as BUMBLEBEE. I was used to hearing him in the old 80's cartoons. I just wish Hollywood could have got it right with his voice. For the most part the movie was good though.

OK on to the 2nd film REVENGE OF THE FALLEN. I know it had some loop holes in the story and seemed some what rushed but the robots had much more screen time and played a bigger part and it even felt like TRANSFORMERS. The fallen was perfect voice and all. Megatron was better then ever as a bad ass. Starscream was right on with the voice but I still don't like seeing him and that bad looking robot form they gave him. He should have some red on his chest and be thinner so he looks somewhat like his original self from the 80's cartoons and toys. Soundwave was not even in the movies as a robot ever but he needed to be I think. He should also be dark blue and not silver. Why does Michael Bay the directer always change the colors of the transformers so they look so different from the originals. Its like making supermans suit gray in sted of blue. It changes everything about the character. I also did not like what they did with Jetfire. He was never a black jet and also he was never an old robot. He should have been white and red and he should have also been a scientest for the autobots. Well after all that I must say I did like the movie over all. It was all worth it to see Optimus Prime fighting the decepticons in the woods. That was the coolest fight on film ever. I own all these dvd's so I do enjoy them. Just some of the elements of them I dislike.

Now on to the 3rd film DARK OF THE MOON. Its coming out this summer
JULY-1-2011. I see lots of pictures of it online but nothing that really gives it away. I hope Soundwave shows up somewhere in the film in his robot form. I know shockwave will also be in it. I can't wait to see if they got the designs right on both of those decepticons. I have seen a toy version of Megatron and I do not know what to think of the new look of him. In vehicle form he is a tan army looking tanker truck. These images show how different he is form the 2nd films design. The toy picture shows his face has battle damage from the last film still. In robot form he does look somewhat like the original Megatron with the arm cannon on his right arm. I just wish he was still all silver like the original version and like in the 2nd film where he was so bad ass looking. I do think that this will be a better movie since its the last one in the franchise. I can't wait to see how it all comes together and what autobots and decepticons end up making the final cut of the film. I hope Bumblebee will speak finally too.
Check out the images of MEGATRON the evil leader of the decepticons below.

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