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cambridge, mn, United States
This is one of my blog's I have a movie blog where I talk about movies I like and dislike. I also Have a blog about the relashionship between Americans and Filipino's and why they go the distance for love.

Monday, January 17, 2011

March Movies I want to see for my birthday and after.

March will be a pretty good month for me as long as its not snowing or bad weather like most years on my birthday. Well anyway 2 movies I think I want to see are coming out that month. On my birthday March 18th I will be able to see PAUL a sci-fi comedy with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost back together again. The last movie I seen them together in was HOT FUZZ that movie was great. I can't imagine what kind of stuff happens in the new film directed by Greg Mottola. They end up becoming friends with a funny alien from area 51 and travel around in an RV hiding the alien know as PAUL from the men in black. I seen the trailer for it and it was funny. I'm sure ill have to see it to know if its great like HOT FUZZ was. I bet it will be though. Those two guys just work well together.. 

OK next is a movie I was not sure about at first when I seen the trailer for it and that is SUCKER PUNCH directed by Zack Snyder who also directed WATCHMEN and 300 both movies were great and I really loved the style and look of the films but the new film Sucker Punch is almost to far out there to understand. Its 5 sexy lady's dressed in lots of leather and lace with all kinds of weapons. They fight an imaginary world of all kinds of stuff to reach the final gole of escaping a mob ruled life. Most of the fighting is in there imagination from what I've seen in the art work and trailers for the film. I know that is a wild idea for a film but the trailers makes it so bad ass that I need to see it to know for sure. I am a guy and most guys are not so used to seeing films about kick ass chicks. Most movies made for men have good looking sexy lady's in them but most times they are not the stars kicking ass. I think that will all change after Sucker Punch comes out March 25th 2011. I can't wait to see how Zack Snyder does with this movie because he will be doing SUPERMAN next. Can't wait!!!

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