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cambridge, mn, United States
This is one of my blog's I have a movie blog where I talk about movies I like and dislike. I also Have a blog about the relashionship between Americans and Filipino's and why they go the distance for love.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

5 movies of the summer 4 I will see.

This is 5 of the summer blockbuster movies set to come out summer 2011...

1. May 6th (THOR) Directed by Kenneth Branagh

2. May 20th (Pirates of the Caribbean: On stranger tides) Directed by Rob Marshall

3. June 17th (Green Lantern) Directed by Martin Campbell

4. July 1st (TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON) Directed by Michael Bay

5. July 22nd (Captain America: The First Avenger) Directed by Joe Johnston

That is the 5 noted movies of the summer at least to me. There are other ones like harry potters next movie but I'm not a fan of those movies. I'm sure they are good but I never got into them really.

Well I listed 5 movies but there are only 4 I will see for sure. The new Pirates movie just makes me so tired of the franchise. WHY? WHY? a 4th movie? it was good left at 3 movies. I only think there making more then 3 for greedy reasons now. Its all about milking every bit of money out of it tell its dead. Some movies are good left alone. Some are great with 3 but most should never be more then 3 movies. Let the fans have somethings left to there imagination. Its always better to stop well your ahead then to kill something everyone likes. Needless to say I will not see the new Pirates film. I may see it on dvd at some point but I really am not up for another Pirates movie.

I am interested in seeing what they will do with THOR. I think the movie trailer looks bad ass. The guy playing Thor seems like the perfect fit for the role.

I also can't wait to see Green Lantern also as you my already know from previous posts. I love DC Universe and all the hero's and villain's from it. Green Lantern is one I grew up with so I pray they do it right.

TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON the 3rd film by Michael Bay is said to be bigger and badder then all of the movies before it. I of course will see this movie over all of them because I'm such a TRANSFORMERS nerd. You may already know this from previous posts but I don't care I just can't wait to see how they end it. 3 movies is enough. I hope they don't kill prime again. I want to see SHOCKWAVE for sure in it. I also Want to see SOUNDWAVE transform into robot mode in this one this time. Starscream needs to be a back stabber also. I really don't know what to expect for the 3rd installment of TRANSFORMERS but it should be BAD ASS!!!!! I am sooooooo There!!!!

OK now the last one but not least. Captain America: The First Avenger looks like it could be good but I'm not sure because at the moment there is no trailer for it one the net. I have see pictures of it and he looks cool in the Captain America suit. I think it should be interesting to see if they tie that movie to the Thor movie in anyway since the are both Marvel comics hero's like Iron man and the Hulk did. Well only time will tell how it will play out. I will wait and see with the rest of you... Thanks for reading this once again.

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