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cambridge, mn, United States
This is one of my blog's I have a movie blog where I talk about movies I like and dislike. I also Have a blog about the relashionship between Americans and Filipino's and why they go the distance for love.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

My own selfish ideas of maybe getting noticed for movie ideas.

OK so I am a fan of movies and lots of storey's. I grew up being creative as an artist and somewhat of a writer. I do not have the patience it takes to write a novel about the things I imagine. I have such a huge imagination that a lot of my friends and family tell me to write a book because my ideas come across as epic film quality storey's. I will not give away to much about them because some people like to steel the ideas and make money on them on their own. I hate those people because they ruin it for all the good honest people who like to talk about their ideas with each other.

I fell in love with movies back when I was a child when I used to watch great classic movies like PLANET OF THE APES or THE OMEGA MAN both films star the late great Charlton Heston. I also became a real fan of THX 1138 a great film with a different kind of view of the future. I could go no and on but I think the real one that changed my whole world of thoughts for movies was DARK CRYSTAL a movie made up of only pupit's that are not of this world. The design and detail that went into making that film was so amazing I just loved the style and idea of creatures of a whole other world could be the center for a story with out all the Hollywood crap that gets put into films. It was and is to me still the most creative film ever in history. Jim Henson was a mastermind for making this film a reality. It teaches you to open your whole mind up and make a world totally different from the normal film style.

I was inspired much later in life to create my own little storey's and the first one was much like that film. I created designs and a world with a story like a mix of the Hobbit and Dark Crystal. Here is the cover painting of that story of my own design...

It was a story written and designed completely by me and has all original characters with a animated cartoon look. It was created like 10 years ago before movies like avatar and all the highly creative movies that look as the artist in visioned on film. I think of it as kind of a movie like the hobbit or avatar in its story and look. I always in visioned it to be a movie but I can not say that because I never really wrote the whole story. I have it all in my mind though. I know that story inside and out all the look and feel of every moment in it. It is a adventure story with epic battles and real world lessons taught through the characters journey's through the world as the story moves forward. It also has some twists and turns along the way. I wish I could see my story become a film so bad someday. I know its a dream but I did a lot of work in making it up from scratch and I think there are a lot of people who would enjoy that story too. It speaks to the human heart through out the whole story. I called it THE TALES OF EVERWOOD: Nolin's Quest. I made it thinking that maybe there could be more storey's told later about the characters and places in the story. It would make a good 3 part story like Lord of the rings did.

I have other storey's also but I do not want to give to much away. The other big one I designed was a future sci-fi story with a robot and a teen age boy at the heart of the story. It would be about a ruined future world and an evil empire and how the robot and the boy save the world but that really is not much about the story. It really is so deep and dark but has so much action and lots of surprises. It is a story like STAR WARS but more of a lesson about the human race and how we loose our self's in our technology and faithlessness. I will not put up any art for that story because I don't want to give away any part of it because it is so much a part of me.

I talk about this for simple fun but I really enjoy what I have created in my life as storey's or art whatever it is I just love creating new worlds and new ideas. I am such a creative person all the time that my mind never shuts off. I enjoy the feeling of seeing new creations come to life. There is just so much copying these days with movies and storey's. I just want to see some new ideas on the big screen and hopefully they will have some good ideals in them too. A movie should entertain but also speak to the human heart as well. I truly believe that and I think so should we all. Let the good side win in the storey's. Don't kill off the hero's. In a world full of corruption and negative ideals we need our hero's to show up that Goodness still Win's over evil.... Well thank you for sticking with me through all this. I hope it was interesting over all.

1 comment:

  1. good step developmentally, even if you don't post the secrets of your ideas, you ought to formulate them fully in another format in case someone with a foot in the movie door ever asks, then you can give a full presentation and they will know you are serious. But yes, make sure you document your progress to fight copyright infringement and idea thieves if they ever surface.
