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cambridge, mn, United States
This is one of my blog's I have a movie blog where I talk about movies I like and dislike. I also Have a blog about the relashionship between Americans and Filipino's and why they go the distance for love.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Epic Blog Begins Here...

OK so I'm new at this as of this point. I just want to say please understand if I don't spell everything right and do this perfectly. I am only human but my thoughts are kind of Epic and deep when it comes to movie ideas and what I like to see in them. I have my own movie ideas but i am no movie writer. I also do not have $350.000.000 to make the ideas i have to become freakin Epic and grand like the big movies do. I am good at in visioning a world and designing it from the ground up. I know because I have already done that with 3 of the story's id like to make someday. I most likely will never get them made into books or movies for that matter but I have been told since i was younger that my ideas are original and freakin awesome if they were movies. OK i am talking to much about my self like I'm some great creator of blockbuster movies that make big money or something. In reality I'm just a normal guy with epic dreams. 

I would however love to see Doug Chiang and Orson Scott Card's ROBOTA book turned into a feature film. This is one of my favorite books of all time. I don't read many books but this one i took the time to read. It is very different from what Hollywood movies are like right now. It is like STAR WARS,AVATAR and PLANET OF THE APES all rolled together with some twists and turns. I love this story so much that I had to talk about it on here so maybe someone will agree. 

I am a huge fan of story's that have Sci Fi action and drama in them with all the Ex of the biggest movies ever made. I love seeing movies that show you the world that was dreamed up by the writer or artist uncut and made to be so believable. That makes the story's feeling come out along with the style and the look of it too. I am an artist I know when I see something new and creative I am so happy to see it and often keep that memory forever because original ideas are very rare these days with all the remakes being made into movies. I do like the thought though that most of them are 80's shows and cartoons and even toys that get turned into movies these days. I just hate it when Hollywood changes the story so much that its not really the thing it was to begin with. I look forward to seeing a HE-MAN and the MASTERS of the UNIVERSE movie sometime in the near future. It would be so BAD ASS! if they took it serious and made it into 3 movies. It should look like 300 did. If that really happens then I'm there. I would be so happy to see those movies become a reality. I was a fan of the toys back in the 80's and I liked He-Man and the Masters of the Universe just as much as I loved the Transformers toys and cartoons back then. I wish Hollywood would listen to me on these ideas as well as the real fans of them. They would really make some movie from all the fans if they made these movies and did it the right way. I am of course just one guy dreaming of the films id like to see and wishing like many of you out there. Well that is my thoughts for that anyway. Thanks for reading my thoughts. 

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