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cambridge, mn, United States
This is one of my blog's I have a movie blog where I talk about movies I like and dislike. I also Have a blog about the relashionship between Americans and Filipino's and why they go the distance for love.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the apes movie review...

Rise of the planet of the apes... The name says it all. This is the very beginning of the planet of the apes movies. this shows u first hand how the apes went from common apes to smart human like beings that rise up against the human slave masters. Once this film starts going you get lost in how believable it is. there really is feeling in the characters and most of all in the CGI apes. u just believe that they are real and you feel for them most of all.

I love the original planet of the apes movies and the ideas used in them. I never thought that they could really bring new life into them but in this film they did more then any of them as far as i am concerned. I think that all the actors in this movie are perfect. I really enjoyed every moment of this film. it told story first and foremost then it led you to feel it and then it turned you into action scenes to wrap it up.

I liked how i never got tired of watching this film at all even though it had slow moments. All the acting was very believable though. I could see the views of the apes and why they felt like slaves to the humans and why they wanted to be free most of all.

I even liked all the little tid bits of planet of the apes movie lor thrown into the movie. There is a lot to see and hear in this film if you know the originals movies as well as being a new comer to the apes films. This movie is easy to understand and well put together all the way up to the end. I was left wanting more, more , more... I hope there will be more of these to come sense it made 53 million the first week. that is not a bad box office take in for the first week. i know it will continue to make more as weeks pass and hopefully it will make enough that they will remake the original films so they look better. I still love the classic films though. i will always love those movies as a huge planet of the apes fan...

At the end of this movie wait for the extra scene as well. outside of that i say the action was great, Story was great too, CGI was amazing and believable, action was amazing too at the end. over all i give it a 10 out of 10.. this was one of my favorite films of the summer. I will buy it on DVD when it comes out for sure and i hope you see this movie too.

Leo's Review NO# 7 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger Movie review.. (No Spoilers)

Captain America the First Avenger... That is what they call it and wow! what a real American hero.

 This is just what i used to like in superheros back in the day as a kid. They used to be good and right and fight for justice and do it all without trying to seek revenge like most hero's today do. This is simple but so amazing of a story. I seen it 2 times in 2D just because it was my favorite kind of film. I like the supernatural and Nazi mix in old style story's. I like superheros born out of hope and good will. I got all that in one really good film. I clearly loved it.

I really am no fan of the Captain America comic books or anything of him from the past but seeing how they did his story in this movie i am like a huge fan now. I think they picked all the right actors for the film and the action was so amazing. I did not get board at all during the film. I like how they spent time on the story growth and made you feel like you were in the 40's for real. I love period films like this where you feel like the times are being shown to you as a real set up for an imagined hero to come in and win the fight and bring truth and justice to a dark world almost lost. That is what i always loved about superman and now Captain America.

I could have seen the film in 3D but why. It feels right as a 2D film. No need for 3D on this movie. So i do not see it in 3D due to the fact that not every movie needs to be in 3D. So anyway the movie was just as good as Thor and X-men first class from my point of view. That is saying a lot sense those films rated high in my book.

One thing i need to say about the movie though. When you see it. Stay tell the credits end...
I hate how no one seems to get that about marvel movies. Everyone always gets up and leaves when the credits role and then they miss the extra scene at the very end. The scene at the end of this movie is worth all the money you pay for the ticket to see the movie. Trust me you will enjoy it. The Movie is well done and very enjoyable and the scene at the end of the credits is just as enjoyable. You gotta see this movie if your a fan of Marvel comics or even if you just like a great summer movie. Just go see it.

The acting was great. The action was great. The story was amazing. The CGI was amazing. The end credit scene was amazing as well. I give this movie a 10 out of 10... A must see film.
Yes this movie freakin kicks ass in a good guy superhero kind of way.

Leo's Review NO# 6 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011

TransFormers Dark Of The Moon Movie Review by L. Rutledge

In 3D My review as a TransFormers fan of classic and new..

OK as anyone who views my blog often would know. I'm a huge transformers fan. I have a collection of the action figures and I grew up watching the Generation 1 original cartoons. I have known and loved the franchise since i was a child so i think that makes me a geek hahaha!

Well that being said, I have seen all the Michael bay transformers movies and loved somethings about them and hated somethings about them. Over all though i do not hate them. I am not one of those kind of freaky fans that hate thongs just because of a movie did not do what that individual fan wanted. That is so stupid of any fan to think the movies will be made just for their ideals. So anyway i went to see the 3rd film in 3D and found my self feeling like a little kid once again. I was waiting for this movie. This is the one summer film i was dying to see. I was not let down by the film that is for sure.
Well here is the details of what i enjoyed and disliked from a fans stand point. 1st of all this movie is a very dark one in things that happen. People die and robots bleed and die too. It is so over the top in action that no one can touch it. There are funny spots through out the film but mostly the movie keeps a dark and serious tone. The plot is interesting as well. As far as transformers characters i wanted to see in this movie went i was happy more then ever. I was waiting though all the movies to finally see my favorite decepticon show up.."SOUNDWAVE" well in this one he did and even in robot form. I wish he was blue and silver like he used to be but he was in it. He even had laserbeak his attack bird. His voice was not so much like it used to be but i was so happy when he had his own spots in the film. I also liked to see "SHOCKWAVE" he pop'ed up here and there and did some damage big time. This is one surprise death in this movie that really shocked me. I never seen it coming nor will you as the viewer.

Optimus Prime in this movie is like the Super, Super hero of all time. I love how his trailer plays a part in his upgrade of weapons in the movie. There are new characters in the robot area but not so great on the autobot side. I also wish starscream and megatron would disagree and fight some in the movie. I wanted to see megatron more too but it as not a huge let down since i got to see the  best story yet. I loved the feel of how the story felt like one of the generation 1 cartoon story's but way more kick ass...By the way this movie made $97.4million in its 1st week in just the USA and $500 million world wide making it the fastest movie ever to reach that kind of take in for a film in a week.

The bottom line is this movie is a must see as a fan and as a none fan. This movie is so over the top in so many ways and they all are good ways. It had Extreme action, Great story, There are even some surprises, The acting was great and the 3D was also. I of course give it a 10 out of 10!!!! my favorite of all the Transformers movies easy and yes it KICKS ASS!!!! BIG TIME WITH BIG GUNS!!!!

Leo's Review NO# 5 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

GREEN LANTERN the big review

GREEN LANTERN the big review is here...
OK finally I got to see Green Lantern and in 3D even. So here is my thoughts on it.

OK as far as DC comics go it seems like Batman always gets the spotlight as far as why I just don't know because DC comics has so many classic hero's. I think Superman should be the shining hero in them all due to the 70 year history of that Superhero. Well finally we get Green lantern to join the movie hero's.

I liked it but some things about the movie could have been so much better. I love the fact that they spend sometime on the green lanterns world instead of all earth. I am not a fan of how the Green lantern suit is all CGI. It seems kind of strange to me. Ryan Reynolds as Green lantern is good but not great but I'm not upset that he is green lantern. The story seems a little rushed but it don't get boring. The green lantern training on the planet Oa was very short and left me wishing it was longer. I liked seeing the other green lanterns all together though. that was cool. The movie was just not a Kick ass one. It was just a little above basic and i hate to say that because I'm a huge DC comic fan and I live to see a Justice League movie so this film is kind of important in that regard. Well as far as the 3D gos. Id say just see it in 2D the 3D was not that good from my experience. I have seen much better 3D movies.

The bottom line is Its got good action not great. CGI not the greatest. Acting was good not great. Story was pretty good. 3D not good. Also if you see it stay through the credits for a extra seen that is kind of not explained well enough but you want to see it.
I give this movie a 8 out of 10. I do like it and will most likely buy it on DVD but only because I'm a huge DC fan. I cant wait tell next week when I get to review TRANSFORMERS Dark Of The Moon in 3D

Leo's Review 4 2011 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Super 8 movie review by L. Rutledge

"Super 8"  Well lets see?

I liked it and it was a good film. It is a good old kind of movie like "Goonies" or E.T. it feels like those film did when you first seen them back when they were new. I like how they made everything feel like 1979 totally. I think the acting of the kids in this film is great and funny too sometimes. The characters in this film you really care about and you always like them and want to see more. I remember the days when i was young like the kids in this film and how it was such a great time back then.

This movie is clearly meant to be like a Steven Spielberg movie. I like that about it. I don't know how well it will do against other films like X-Men first class or Green Lantern though. I'm sure it will be a big film but not like the others.

It is about an alien and the government and some kids being stuck in the middle of it all. In all the trailers you never see the alien and it kind of bothered me because these days there is no reason why we can not show CGI monsters and things with all the massive amounts of films using CGI and showing the viewers what they are dealing with often. I did how ever see the alien in the film eventually. I thought it was interesting what they did with it.

Over all i must say if you want to see a movie with story and heart with a Goonies/E.T. kind of feel this is perfect for you. I say the acting is great, story is great, the idea has been done before so that is OK. The CGI is real looking so that is great too. Over all I give it a 8 out of 10
its a good movie but not a must see as far as I'm concerned.

Leo's Review 3 2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011

X MEN first class Movie review...

"X MEN first class"  The early days of the X-Men has some new and great ideas as far as story go's. I really enjoyed this movie. I think out of all the X-Men movies this one is the very best one. Its like the Star Wars episode 3 of the X-Men movies. It is a must see. The acting is nothing but greatness and the back story is so full of interesting out comes. There are a lot of cool action moments in this film and a great deal of deep emotional drama in how the main characters deal with the powers they have and how they got to where they are. I never got bored watching this film at any time. It also has a really surprising funny part in the middle of the film that i will not give away because you will like to see it first hand to know what I'm talking about.

I am not a huge comic book fan of marvel story's and hero's but i loved this film more then any other X-Men movies. I will buy it on DVD and i would say go see it.
It is worth it big time. I think this X-Men movie should have been called X MEN "A" class or X MEN Gold class. It is Classic. A must see, as good as 'THOR" was I give it a "10 out or 10"
Great story. Great action. Great drama. Great over all feel! And yes its a Kick Ass film in my book...

Leo's Review 2 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

My "THOR" review

"Thor"  The mighty Thor.... So I went to see this movie the day after it was released and WOW!

I am not a huge comic book fan of Thor but I loved this movie more then any Marvel movie before it. This is the best marvel film by far so far. I seen it in 3D and loved it.

This movie has a great blend of earth and other worldly places shown in it. That makes it feel like the movie makers did not go cheap on it. I really enjoy that. I love how they showed the character evolution through out the story. I also loved when Thor just plain kicked ass too.

Now I have seen all the other marvel movies and how they are fitting them together to make the avengers movie so I waited tell the credits were done at the end of this movie to see  the new puzzle piece the movie makers have put in to bring them all together. It was very cool.

I give this movie a "10 out of 10" Great story, great acting, great action, great fx the story never gets boring though out the whole movie. I love everything about this movie. I would say go see it if you can 3D or not it is a kick ass film. 

Leo's Review 1 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the apes...Yes!!!!! Finally a new Ape film....

Long ago when I was a kid. I saw a movie that made me want to write story's and make movies so very badly. That movie was THE PLANET OF THE APES... I know a lot of people would say Star Wars or Star trek but I was amazed by the way that movie had a real lesson deep with in its core. I also thought the planet of the apes had one of the most amazing endings ever. Back when it came out it was a huge hit. It really was a great Sci-Fi film but it was really a movie dealing with racism and all the dark sides of it. I just was blown away as a kid to see all the different views of the apes and the humans of the movie. So i of course call the PLANET OF THE APES a real classic of all time.

Now August 5th 2011 will bring the beginning of the planet of the apes to the big screen with the film RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES. Originally they wanted to call it RISE OF THE APES but of course all the younger people who don't know anything about old things that were cool would have not known what that meant so they had to make the name really long. I hope the film will just be the beginning of a new set of films for the franchise. I loved the teaser trailer that for the movie and hope it will show the apes talking too. I think the CGI element of the APES is cool so it is more real then ever before. It seems like the acting is great as well. So this could be the making of a new set of remakes that look better then the originals. Of course this is really not a remake because in the classic Apes films they never showed how the apes got control of the earth. I would say to anyone who wants to see this movie though. Rent or buy the original PLANET OF THE APES films before you see this one so you know what there all about.

I say that because i hate it when people go see like the 2nd film in a collection of films and ask why Frodo has to get rid of the ring? Or Where did superman come from?

I have heard people say those things when I was leaving movies and I just have to look back to see who is dumb enough to say them and then i always seem to see some young air head girl who don't know much. Always know what your paying to see before you go see it.. Please.... It makes you sound smarter and it also makes you not sound like a dumb ass at the movies.
OK well I think that's enough of my opinions for now. Go see the new RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES movie coming 8-5-11 I have a feeling it will be great.
The new TRON Legacy is really much much better then the 1st Tron film from the 80s. I bought TRON Legacy I rented the film then bought it because i loved the movie that much. Now the first tron movie I remember from when I was a kid. I used to even have the toys of the movie. I always thought it looked so cool but the story in the first film seemed so boring to me then and even after watching it again as an adult. I just could not get my self to enjoy the first tron.

OK so now that they finally did it right I am a big fan. So this is a good lesson for movie studios to learn from. Sometimes when the first film looks great and the story is not you need to wait 25 years then make a better part 2. Hahahaha! yeah that's what happened with this movie.

Well being serious now. I just want to say that the style of this movie is freaking amazing! I am an artist so I can truly respect the artists that did all the work for this kind of movie. It really makes the movie so much more interesting to see as the great story and action make it become a real classic in my eyes.

I also gotta say the music in this film is all done by DAFT PUNK. They are so good at this kind of music. They were the the best pick for music for the film. Their music just fits so well. So anyway I want to say buy this movie if your into cool light affects and lots of action in a computer world. You really don't need to see the first movie to watch it also. So that is good for new comers to the TRON world. Well that all from me for now. I give this movie a 10 on a 1 to 10 scale. Great classic movie...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger The new trailer.... How Cool!!!!

Captain America: The First Avenger looks to be better then I ever thought it could be. The brand new full length movie trailer Say's it all. I really need not write anything about the film to show how great it looks to be. It stands on its own and apart from other films. I like the old world war 2 set up and how old fashion it does look. I really like that time in history though. I know the world had some hard times back then with the Nazi's trying to destroy the world and make it in their own image but the way most people were back then was more interesting to me. Any way getting back to the point, I really want to see this movie and I hope it will be all that I hope it can be.

 I don't know much about Captain America but I know enough to like the story and how he is a real true American hero. I like good positive hero's of the old day's back when doing the right thing was taught to all kid's with all kinds of comic book hero's doing good thing's to make the world a better place. I do not see that any more and that is sad because the kid's these day's need good role model's to look up to and teach them good not bad thing's. My role modal is Jesus Christ first of all and then after him is Superman and Optimus Prime. Those are the hero's of my personal life from when I was a child and even now I still value some of the thing's I've learned from them back when I was a kid. Jesus by the way is still my role modal and will always be. Well enough of all that for now hope you enjoy the movie trailer and my new post see you next time.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

At the mountains of madness not gonna happen.... Sad to hear.

In my last post I told you how Guillermo del Toro was going to be the director of the H.P. Lovecraft story "At the mountains of madness". Well since then there have been a lot of changes. Now the movie is not going to happen due to the fact that the movie was going to be rated R and cost $150 million to make. I believe that is about right for the films cost and rating unfortunately the movie company did not feel that way so it is a no go after all. I hate how the movie company's can not understand what the story's need to be turned into full length films. I'm sure none of the people who were handing off the money to make the film have never even read H.P. Lovecraft's story's to understand that they are so creepy and imaginative by far. So now that At the mountains of madness is no more. That will most likely mean none of H.P. Lovecraft's story's will be turned into a film. I was hoping for The call of Cthuhlu to be a movie or Dagon or The shadow over innsmouth. All great story's of Lovecraft's with a core that is shared between them all. Those are some of the best story's ever made in the horror/ Sci-fi world. Well that's my personal opinion anyway. So that sucks to have to let go of the wish to see H.P. Lovecraft's work come to life in film. Well maybe someday some one will see the true value in those story's and make them into the movies they need to be... Well that's it for now see you next time.

Monday, February 28, 2011

H.P. Lovecraft comes to the big screen.

I am not much of a scary movie or horror film fan for the most part but there are a few movies that stand apart to me. I enjoy mystery mixed with adventure and fantasy with sci-fi blended together well in story's. I love it when a story leads you through a world of mystery where you never know where the story will twist or turn to surprise me as the reader or viewer. This being said I am so happy to finally see that my favorite horror mystery and sci-fi story write H.P. Lovecraft's At The Mountains Of Madness is being turned to a feature film. I will without a doubt be amazing to see. It will scare the hell out of the viewers with a old fashion kind of monster mystery feel.

Now for all those who do not know anything about H.P. Lovecraft. OK so he was an amazing classic horror writer with imagination of epic proportion's. He envisioned a world where creatures from before humans ever walked the earth had come and lived and then had been called God's by man latter. They lived in a dark time on the planet and had power greater than we could ever imagine. They had such evil in their being that fear of them would make you mad. They were called the old ones and they came from the sky. Well the story's take place in the 1920's and they are filled with mystery and wonder. The story's keep your mind wanting to know what will happen next at all times. I personally love the story called The call of Cthulhu by H.P. Lovecraft but every story by him seems to take you deep into a dark time when monsters and evil seemed to be everywhere in the dark and men searched for strange realms and places where no man had ever been before. It was always about the adventure and the interesting things that happen along the way.

Director Guillermo Del Toro & Producer James Cameron
I will enjoy seeing just how the new film At The Mountains Of Madness will be on the big screen. I know it will be good knowing who it will be made by after all. The film will be directed by Guillermo del toro the famed director of both Hellboy films and the Producer of it will be none other then the man who made Alien and Avatar James Cameron.
 This will be done right knowing that
they both will be making the movie.

At the Mountains of Madness will most likely look like the king Kong movie that Peter Jackson made. It will have a city that dates back to before man ever walked the earth and strange monster like creatures that will kill almost all the members of the group of explorers that end up there. It film will have an alternite version of how the human race became but just remeber its just a story. I think it will be kind of like the older movie called the Thing that by the way is also being re-made into a new film.
It will be so creepy to see for sure. I want to see how much the story stays the same and how the movie version will be changed as well. It will take an amazing imagination to create most of the alien landscapes that are shown in the movie but without a doubt it will make me feel that old fashion horror feeling that horror movies used to have back when it was all about the mystery and fear not the gore and torcher like horror movies these days seem to be stuck on so much. I really hate that when they just shock you by cutting off someones head right on camera and showing all the gore like that is the whole point of a scary movie or something. I like it when they scare you with your own imagination like the shining did or like some of the older films from 30 years back. I know all the younger kids these days don't know anything about that but they really should because those movies back then were the classics that made it possible to make the films that are here today. Well anyway H.P. Lovecraft is one of the greatest writes I've ever known of in the dark and scary old style. He created such great story's that they lasted the test of time and are still called the real classics today. I will always enjoy his version of what scary is because he scares you with your own imagination and that is what really stands out about his book's so please anyone reading this check out some of his work. He really was ahead of his time. Well thanks again for reading my take on movies I like. I hope you will enjoy the story's by H.P. Lovecraft as much as I do.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Hobbit... In 2012 it will be a movie at least part 1

The Hobbit movie has been a project of director Peter Jackson's for sometime now.
its been back and forth up and down for the film with everything from who would direct it to actors strikes. The film has been through hell and back. Peter Jackson is now directing it. instead of just producing the movie. That is so good for all the fans of the Lord of the rings films.There is no doubt in my mind that he is the perfect one for the job. I read the Hobbit book and loved it. I even sent it to my girlfriend. I truly loved the story and class the Hobbit book as one of the greatest story's I've read ever. So when I found out it is finally being turned into a feature film. I was so happy. I seen all the Lord of the rings films and own them on DVDs even. I think that the Hobbit is better though. I loved how the story had more of a adventure feel. The Lord of the rings story's has that too but its more about war and the movement to get rid of the evil ring. In the hobbit it feels more like a lighter young adults kind of story. It really takes me back to a childhood imagination time. Back when the world was new and full of mystery. I like story's that make me feel that way so that being said that is why I like the Hobbit so much.

On the set of the Hobbit in New Zealand

The story will be narrated by Frodo and Bilbo.
It will be long like the Lord of the rings so to tell the story best they will turn the story into two parts. The Hobbit Part .1 and The Hobbit Part .2. This will make it easy on the viewers and also it will make it so the whole story is told with all the detail that it deserves. I know 2012 will be another big year for movies with Superman and Batman movies coming as well but the Hobbit will more then likely be huge when it hits the big screen. I know I will be there to see Bilbo Baggins when he first gets the ring from Gollum in that cave in middle-earth.It will also be nice to see how Bilbo meets Gandalf the gray for the first time. I can't wait to see it the way I imagined it when I read the story so long ago.
Well I hope the movie will move along without any more troubles. I will be watching close on the work on this movie as time moves on....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

X MEN first class stands apart from the rest.

OK so its been a little wile since my last post. OK so here I go again. I seen the X MEN first class trailer and became a fan again. I was kind of sick of the X MEN films for a wile there. They were getting to far away from the heart and soul of it all. I always thought the suits they wear in the films were to far away from the real hero suits from the comic books but now the new X MEN first class film shows then wearing the suits and looking believable too. I like how there taking the film versions serious again and showing new and interesting things that have not been shown in the films yet. I really want the movie to be better then the other X MEN film. I would like it if it was more like watchmen and more adult like with its real life world with hero's in the middle of it all.

I will put this film on my list of must see films because it is taking risks that a lot of films don't these days. The film takes place back when JFK was in office with the cold war at Americas door. It will be interesting to see how the first class of X MEN will handle that time in history. I love that idea for the beginning of the X MEN story's.
I am sold by the trailer and how good the film looks to be. I will be there to see it when it hits the big screen on JUNE 3, 2011... Well I hope you enjoy my posts on here. Please take the time to commit if you have any thoughts about the posts of mine. I would really like that. OK see you next movie...

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I watched the new TRANSFORMERS Dark of the moon trailer not to long ago. Well I should say I watched it over and over like 12 times in a row just to see what was happening in it. It has so much action that everything is moving fast. I did how ever love every part of it. It looks so much bigger and badder then ever before. I felt overwhelmed with all the action and war that takes place between the autobots and decepticons factions in the trailer. It really feels like a huge movie. I is most likely the final film of Transformers so no doubt they are going out with a bag. In the trailer I seen some great characters from the old cartoon brought to life on the big screen such as Bumblebee and a new flying Optimus Prime and as I seen a deceptican bird swoop down to attack a white car. I believe the bird to be Laserbeak. If Laserbeat is in the film then I know for sure Soundwave is then. Laserbeak in a smaller decepticon  comes from Soundwave. I seen Prime fighting lots of attacking decepticans but still did not see Shockwave the evil decepticon that is 2nd only to megatron. I also see lots and lots of decepticon drop ships floating above the city and wagging war on the buildings. I think the movie trailer left me with more questions then answers but that's OK. I will see this movie no matter what anyway.
Over all the way the trailer grabbed my attention and kept it was just freaking awesome. I really enjoy films that make you feel like your right there in the heat of the moment and Transformers movies always do that so well. I just hate that I have to wait tell 7-1-11 to see
 the new movie.                                                                        

Thursday, February 3, 2011

SUPERMAN begins all over again With a new actor

Warner Bros has finally found the new actor to play the man of steel. Yes that is right SUPERMAN will return to the big screen again with an all new reboot of the franchise. The new superman will be played by Henry Cavill. The new film not tided to any of the other films will be directed by Zack Snyder who also directed 300 and watchmen. Christopher Nolan will be one of the high lighted producers of the film who also has his own films that are most memorable such as BATMAN BEGINS and most noted DARK KNIGHT. Together Zack snyder and Christopher Nolan will most likely make this the kick ass Superman movie of all time with
Henry Cavill as the new man of steel. The film will not hit the screens tell 2012 same as the 3rd BATMAN film DARK KNIGHT RISING. It will be a big year for DC comics in 2012 I personally can't wait to see how both movies turn out. One thing is for sure. They will be big and epic movies...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

My own selfish ideas of maybe getting noticed for movie ideas.

OK so I am a fan of movies and lots of storey's. I grew up being creative as an artist and somewhat of a writer. I do not have the patience it takes to write a novel about the things I imagine. I have such a huge imagination that a lot of my friends and family tell me to write a book because my ideas come across as epic film quality storey's. I will not give away to much about them because some people like to steel the ideas and make money on them on their own. I hate those people because they ruin it for all the good honest people who like to talk about their ideas with each other.

I fell in love with movies back when I was a child when I used to watch great classic movies like PLANET OF THE APES or THE OMEGA MAN both films star the late great Charlton Heston. I also became a real fan of THX 1138 a great film with a different kind of view of the future. I could go no and on but I think the real one that changed my whole world of thoughts for movies was DARK CRYSTAL a movie made up of only pupit's that are not of this world. The design and detail that went into making that film was so amazing I just loved the style and idea of creatures of a whole other world could be the center for a story with out all the Hollywood crap that gets put into films. It was and is to me still the most creative film ever in history. Jim Henson was a mastermind for making this film a reality. It teaches you to open your whole mind up and make a world totally different from the normal film style.

I was inspired much later in life to create my own little storey's and the first one was much like that film. I created designs and a world with a story like a mix of the Hobbit and Dark Crystal. Here is the cover painting of that story of my own design...

It was a story written and designed completely by me and has all original characters with a animated cartoon look. It was created like 10 years ago before movies like avatar and all the highly creative movies that look as the artist in visioned on film. I think of it as kind of a movie like the hobbit or avatar in its story and look. I always in visioned it to be a movie but I can not say that because I never really wrote the whole story. I have it all in my mind though. I know that story inside and out all the look and feel of every moment in it. It is a adventure story with epic battles and real world lessons taught through the characters journey's through the world as the story moves forward. It also has some twists and turns along the way. I wish I could see my story become a film so bad someday. I know its a dream but I did a lot of work in making it up from scratch and I think there are a lot of people who would enjoy that story too. It speaks to the human heart through out the whole story. I called it THE TALES OF EVERWOOD: Nolin's Quest. I made it thinking that maybe there could be more storey's told later about the characters and places in the story. It would make a good 3 part story like Lord of the rings did.

I have other storey's also but I do not want to give to much away. The other big one I designed was a future sci-fi story with a robot and a teen age boy at the heart of the story. It would be about a ruined future world and an evil empire and how the robot and the boy save the world but that really is not much about the story. It really is so deep and dark but has so much action and lots of surprises. It is a story like STAR WARS but more of a lesson about the human race and how we loose our self's in our technology and faithlessness. I will not put up any art for that story because I don't want to give away any part of it because it is so much a part of me.

I talk about this for simple fun but I really enjoy what I have created in my life as storey's or art whatever it is I just love creating new worlds and new ideas. I am such a creative person all the time that my mind never shuts off. I enjoy the feeling of seeing new creations come to life. There is just so much copying these days with movies and storey's. I just want to see some new ideas on the big screen and hopefully they will have some good ideals in them too. A movie should entertain but also speak to the human heart as well. I truly believe that and I think so should we all. Let the good side win in the storey's. Don't kill off the hero's. In a world full of corruption and negative ideals we need our hero's to show up that Goodness still Win's over evil.... Well thank you for sticking with me through all this. I hope it was interesting over all.

Big blockbuster trailers at Super Bowl 2011

So I am not a football fan in anyway but but this years Super Bowl will be having the best movie trailers showing during the show at some point. I am so freaking hyped up to see the full movie trailer for TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON Feb.6th and after it will be online everywhere I'm sure. Here is the info as shown at www.enewsi.com. I look at that site for most info on movies and anything entertainment. I also check out www.tfw2005.com for all TRANSFORMER news too.

Hope these trailers will be great as they sound. The Captain America: The First Avenger trail will be the 1st time any trailer has been shown for the film so that will for sure be interesting. Over all though I know it will be very entertaining...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Transformers 3 or dark of the moon a fans thoughts & ideas.

So I'm a huge TRANSFORMERS FAN of the 80's cartoons and toys and just about anything that transformers into a giant robot autobot or decepticon they all kick ass. So I need to talk about the Hollywood live action movies and my thoughts on them.

OK the 1st film was to me good but missing a lot of stuff. I liked it but it was not much like the cartoons were because the robots were not the stars as much as the humans were it seemed. The voices of the robots were perfect but they were only heard a short time through the film. I was so pissed when BUMBLEBEE had not voice at all. He needs to speak to be who he is as BUMBLEBEE. I was used to hearing him in the old 80's cartoons. I just wish Hollywood could have got it right with his voice. For the most part the movie was good though.

OK on to the 2nd film REVENGE OF THE FALLEN. I know it had some loop holes in the story and seemed some what rushed but the robots had much more screen time and played a bigger part and it even felt like TRANSFORMERS. The fallen was perfect voice and all. Megatron was better then ever as a bad ass. Starscream was right on with the voice but I still don't like seeing him and that bad looking robot form they gave him. He should have some red on his chest and be thinner so he looks somewhat like his original self from the 80's cartoons and toys. Soundwave was not even in the movies as a robot ever but he needed to be I think. He should also be dark blue and not silver. Why does Michael Bay the directer always change the colors of the transformers so they look so different from the originals. Its like making supermans suit gray in sted of blue. It changes everything about the character. I also did not like what they did with Jetfire. He was never a black jet and also he was never an old robot. He should have been white and red and he should have also been a scientest for the autobots. Well after all that I must say I did like the movie over all. It was all worth it to see Optimus Prime fighting the decepticons in the woods. That was the coolest fight on film ever. I own all these dvd's so I do enjoy them. Just some of the elements of them I dislike.

Now on to the 3rd film DARK OF THE MOON. Its coming out this summer
JULY-1-2011. I see lots of pictures of it online but nothing that really gives it away. I hope Soundwave shows up somewhere in the film in his robot form. I know shockwave will also be in it. I can't wait to see if they got the designs right on both of those decepticons. I have seen a toy version of Megatron and I do not know what to think of the new look of him. In vehicle form he is a tan army looking tanker truck. These images show how different he is form the 2nd films design. The toy picture shows his face has battle damage from the last film still. In robot form he does look somewhat like the original Megatron with the arm cannon on his right arm. I just wish he was still all silver like the original version and like in the 2nd film where he was so bad ass looking. I do think that this will be a better movie since its the last one in the franchise. I can't wait to see how it all comes together and what autobots and decepticons end up making the final cut of the film. I hope Bumblebee will speak finally too.
Check out the images of MEGATRON the evil leader of the decepticons below.

Monday, January 17, 2011

March Movies I want to see for my birthday and after.

March will be a pretty good month for me as long as its not snowing or bad weather like most years on my birthday. Well anyway 2 movies I think I want to see are coming out that month. On my birthday March 18th I will be able to see PAUL a sci-fi comedy with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost back together again. The last movie I seen them together in was HOT FUZZ that movie was great. I can't imagine what kind of stuff happens in the new film directed by Greg Mottola. They end up becoming friends with a funny alien from area 51 and travel around in an RV hiding the alien know as PAUL from the men in black. I seen the trailer for it and it was funny. I'm sure ill have to see it to know if its great like HOT FUZZ was. I bet it will be though. Those two guys just work well together.. 

OK next is a movie I was not sure about at first when I seen the trailer for it and that is SUCKER PUNCH directed by Zack Snyder who also directed WATCHMEN and 300 both movies were great and I really loved the style and look of the films but the new film Sucker Punch is almost to far out there to understand. Its 5 sexy lady's dressed in lots of leather and lace with all kinds of weapons. They fight an imaginary world of all kinds of stuff to reach the final gole of escaping a mob ruled life. Most of the fighting is in there imagination from what I've seen in the art work and trailers for the film. I know that is a wild idea for a film but the trailers makes it so bad ass that I need to see it to know for sure. I am a guy and most guys are not so used to seeing films about kick ass chicks. Most movies made for men have good looking sexy lady's in them but most times they are not the stars kicking ass. I think that will all change after Sucker Punch comes out March 25th 2011. I can't wait to see how Zack Snyder does with this movie because he will be doing SUPERMAN next. Can't wait!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

5 movies of the summer 4 I will see.

This is 5 of the summer blockbuster movies set to come out summer 2011...

1. May 6th (THOR) Directed by Kenneth Branagh

2. May 20th (Pirates of the Caribbean: On stranger tides) Directed by Rob Marshall

3. June 17th (Green Lantern) Directed by Martin Campbell

4. July 1st (TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON) Directed by Michael Bay

5. July 22nd (Captain America: The First Avenger) Directed by Joe Johnston

That is the 5 noted movies of the summer at least to me. There are other ones like harry potters next movie but I'm not a fan of those movies. I'm sure they are good but I never got into them really.

Well I listed 5 movies but there are only 4 I will see for sure. The new Pirates movie just makes me so tired of the franchise. WHY? WHY? a 4th movie? it was good left at 3 movies. I only think there making more then 3 for greedy reasons now. Its all about milking every bit of money out of it tell its dead. Some movies are good left alone. Some are great with 3 but most should never be more then 3 movies. Let the fans have somethings left to there imagination. Its always better to stop well your ahead then to kill something everyone likes. Needless to say I will not see the new Pirates film. I may see it on dvd at some point but I really am not up for another Pirates movie.

I am interested in seeing what they will do with THOR. I think the movie trailer looks bad ass. The guy playing Thor seems like the perfect fit for the role.

I also can't wait to see Green Lantern also as you my already know from previous posts. I love DC Universe and all the hero's and villain's from it. Green Lantern is one I grew up with so I pray they do it right.

TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON the 3rd film by Michael Bay is said to be bigger and badder then all of the movies before it. I of course will see this movie over all of them because I'm such a TRANSFORMERS nerd. You may already know this from previous posts but I don't care I just can't wait to see how they end it. 3 movies is enough. I hope they don't kill prime again. I want to see SHOCKWAVE for sure in it. I also Want to see SOUNDWAVE transform into robot mode in this one this time. Starscream needs to be a back stabber also. I really don't know what to expect for the 3rd installment of TRANSFORMERS but it should be BAD ASS!!!!! I am sooooooo There!!!!

OK now the last one but not least. Captain America: The First Avenger looks like it could be good but I'm not sure because at the moment there is no trailer for it one the net. I have see pictures of it and he looks cool in the Captain America suit. I think it should be interesting to see if they tie that movie to the Thor movie in anyway since the are both Marvel comics hero's like Iron man and the Hulk did. Well only time will tell how it will play out. I will wait and see with the rest of you... Thanks for reading this once again.

The Epic Blog Begins Here...

OK so I'm new at this as of this point. I just want to say please understand if I don't spell everything right and do this perfectly. I am only human but my thoughts are kind of Epic and deep when it comes to movie ideas and what I like to see in them. I have my own movie ideas but i am no movie writer. I also do not have $350.000.000 to make the ideas i have to become freakin Epic and grand like the big movies do. I am good at in visioning a world and designing it from the ground up. I know because I have already done that with 3 of the story's id like to make someday. I most likely will never get them made into books or movies for that matter but I have been told since i was younger that my ideas are original and freakin awesome if they were movies. OK i am talking to much about my self like I'm some great creator of blockbuster movies that make big money or something. In reality I'm just a normal guy with epic dreams. 

I would however love to see Doug Chiang and Orson Scott Card's ROBOTA book turned into a feature film. This is one of my favorite books of all time. I don't read many books but this one i took the time to read. It is very different from what Hollywood movies are like right now. It is like STAR WARS,AVATAR and PLANET OF THE APES all rolled together with some twists and turns. I love this story so much that I had to talk about it on here so maybe someone will agree. 

I am a huge fan of story's that have Sci Fi action and drama in them with all the Ex of the biggest movies ever made. I love seeing movies that show you the world that was dreamed up by the writer or artist uncut and made to be so believable. That makes the story's feeling come out along with the style and the look of it too. I am an artist I know when I see something new and creative I am so happy to see it and often keep that memory forever because original ideas are very rare these days with all the remakes being made into movies. I do like the thought though that most of them are 80's shows and cartoons and even toys that get turned into movies these days. I just hate it when Hollywood changes the story so much that its not really the thing it was to begin with. I look forward to seeing a HE-MAN and the MASTERS of the UNIVERSE movie sometime in the near future. It would be so BAD ASS! if they took it serious and made it into 3 movies. It should look like 300 did. If that really happens then I'm there. I would be so happy to see those movies become a reality. I was a fan of the toys back in the 80's and I liked He-Man and the Masters of the Universe just as much as I loved the Transformers toys and cartoons back then. I wish Hollywood would listen to me on these ideas as well as the real fans of them. They would really make some movie from all the fans if they made these movies and did it the right way. I am of course just one guy dreaming of the films id like to see and wishing like many of you out there. Well that is my thoughts for that anyway. Thanks for reading my thoughts. 

Justice League Movie some day Please!!!!!

I see the Green Lantern Moive is finally coming I hope to God they took it serius and made hal jorden act like the one I grew up with from the original Green Lantern comics. Im not sure the acter that is playing him will be able to act serious with the Green Lantern role. I will have to do just everyone else has to do to find out and that is WAIT to see it. Summer of 2011.

I see green lantern and batman have movies and Superman is gonna be rebooted to renew it even after the last one Superman Returns was not so bad. Well the point here is Will they ever make the JUSTICE LEAGUE MOVIE and get it right????  I guess ill have to see more batman movies and green lantern movies and maybe even Superman movies if they ever make it past the reboot of superman. to find out. I have also heard there is a Flash movie coming too. So what about Wonderwoman. She is a kick ass chick why not a movie. She is after all one of the main Justice League members. The Chick from watchman needs to play her. That chick was perfect in watchman and would make a very good Wonderwoman. Well i guess only time will tell. I can't wait to find out.
Ok so ill begin the first post by talking about TRANSFORMERS DARK OF THE MOON... The up coming 3rd transformers movie and most likely the last one. I have seen some new stuff in the filming pictures around the web and one that kind of made me a bit unhappy. I seen that Megatron will be a tanker truck that looks like its beat down and old and he is tan in color with a trailer making him much like the evil version of optimus prime who also has his trailer in the new movie too. I hate to say it but i bet they will end it with the viewers finding out that megatron is really optimus primes brother like he said at the end of the 1st movie after megatron died. I will be mad if that ends up being the case. I love Transformers but i wish the movies would try to stay more G1 and not make the bots and cons so differant in there looks.

Well that is enough for now. I will end up talking more about this later anyway.